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HOME  > 2017 January 5 - 10
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2017 January 5 - 10 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Civil Alliance holds this year’s first street action together with opposition parties

January 8 & 9, 2017
A coalition of citizens calling for the abolition of the national security legislation and the restoration of constitutionalism conducted this year’s first street action on January 7 near JR Shinjuku Station in Tokyo with representatives of all the four opposition parties supporting the action participating.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo in his speech stressed that the past year’s struggle by concerned citizens and the united opposition parties (JCP, Democratic Party, Liberal, and Social Democratic parties) combined proved that such a united effort is essential to unseating the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Recalling that a year ago, Shii said that he was seeing little prospect for the opposition parties’ electoral cooperation, he added, “In the July Upper House election, however, the four parties came to field a united candidate in all 32 single-seat constituencies and achieved eleven victories. Following this, in the October gubernatorial election in Niigata, joint opposition-citizens united candidate Yoneyama Ryuichi achieved a dramatic victory over an LDP-Komei candidate.”

Shii also said, “We should always be ready to face a Lower House dissolution and subsequent snap general election,” and pointed out the importance of reaching forward-looking agreements among the four parties on issues including a common campaign agenda and mutual support in selecting candidates. He continued to say, “The four parties acknowledge each other’s differences and are willing to respect and work together. The four parties will work in solidarity based on common grounds in the general election. Let us deal the Abe government a defeat!”

DP Deputy President Azumi Jun, LP Vice President Aoki Ai, and SDP vice head Fukushima Mizuho expressed their determination to keep increasing joint opposition-citizens collaboration in order to force the present administration to step down.

On the following day, DP President Renho on a NHK debate program said, “Working-level consultations among the four parties have already started seeking as much electoral cooperation as possible in single-seat electoral districts. It is time to move forward.” She said this in response to the question from a program MC asking “if the DP has electoral collaboration with three other opposition parties in its mind”.

Past related article:
> Civil Alliance opposing war legislation kicks off street campaign [January 6, 2016]
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