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2017 January 25 - 31 [POLITICS]

Only 2 nations have anti-‘conspiracy’ laws related to UN anti-crime treaty

January 26, 2017
The only two countries that bothered to make a domestic law in relation to the ratification of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which has 187 state parties, are Norway and Bulgaria.

This fact came to light on January 25 in the response by Prime Minister Abe Shinzo to Japanese Communist Party Koike Akira in the question-answer session in the House of Councilors.

The Japanese government explains that it needs an anti-conspiracy law as a needed step to seal the UN pact in order to prevent terrorism, and accordingly it is planning to submit a bill to that effect during the current session of the Diet. In fact, only two of the 187 state parties have such a law regarding the implementation of the international treaty.

The Japanese Diet in May 2003 approved the UN Convention. However, the government has been putting off ratifying the convention by claiming that Japan does not have the law necessary to enforce the deal.

Koike pointed out that Japan is already a signatory to 13 international treaties to counter terrorism. He also pointed out that Japan has a domestic law which punishes acts pertaining to 57 felony crimes even before any attempt has been made to commit the crime. Koike’s Diet interpellation made clear that the government claim of a necessity of an anti-conspiracy law is unfounded.

Past related articles:
> ‘Conspiracy bill’ will punish citizens for their thoughts and beliefs [January 13, 2017]
> Gov’t explanation on anti-conspiracy bill resembles prewar explanation on similar law [January 15, 2016]
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