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2017 February 15 - 21 [POLITICS]

column  Komei Party unconstitutionally part of Soka Gakkai

February 20, 2017
Akahata ‘Morning breeze’ column

It is common knowledge that the Komei Party, currently in power along with the Liberal Democratic Party, is intrinsically tied to the religious organization Soka Gakkai in violation of the constitutional principle of “separation of state and religion”.

Article 20 of the Constitution stipulates, “Freedom of religion is guaranteed to all,” but also states, “No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority.”

Furthermore, Article 89 of the Constitution states, “No public money or other property shall be expended or appropriated for the use, benefit or maintenance of any religious institution or association, or for any charitable, educational or benevolent enterprises not under the control of public authority.”

However, the Komei Party has been in power with the LDP. This surely means that Soka Gakkai, the main Komei supporter, has been receiving privileges from the State and exercising political authority.

The fact that the Komei Party is just the political arm of Soka Gakkai has frequently been demonstrated.

Recently, those who used to believe in or work for Sokka Gakkai published a revealing book using their own names regarding Komei-Soka Gakkai relations. These people were expelled from the religious cult after they criticized the Komei Party for permitting the use of the right to collective self-defense under the national security legislation.

The Japanese Communist Party resolution adopted at its 27th Congress in January emphasizes the importance of the constitutional provisions on human rights.

The JCP Resolution states, “The freedom of thought and conscience, the freedom of expression, and the academic freedom guaranteed under Articles 19, 21, and 23 are now being threatened under the high-handed government. The JCP will seek a society where civil liberties, including religious liberty granted under Article 20, are fully secured.”

Past related article:
> How can Komei Party call itself a ‘pacifist’ party [July 1, 2014]
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