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HOME  > 2017 February 22 - 28
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2017 February 22 - 28 [JCP]

This week’s JCP international activities

February 23, 24 & 27, 2017
Shii asks for Mexico’s cooperation to achieve success of UN anti-nuclear conference

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on February 22 met with Mexican Ambassador to Japan Carlos Fernando Almada Lopez at the Mexican Embassy in Tokyo and asked for Mexico’s cooperation in achieving a success of the UN conference to negotiate a Nuclear Weapons Convention in March in NYC.

Shii noted that Mexico has been taking a lead in antinuke discussions which focus on the inhumanity of nuclear weapons. Shii also referred to the fact that in a meeting held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Tlatelolco Treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons in Latin American and Caribbean nations, Mexican President Pena Nieto expressed his determination to make a contribution to the March UN conference, and said that the JCP hopes to strengthen cooperation with Mexico.

The ambassador said that Mexico has long been pointing to the illegality of nuclear weapons, and said that an increasing number of nations are looking at the issue in a similar manner. He said that he will gladly convey the JCP request to his country.

Ogata talks with Vietnamese CP executives

Japanese Communist Party Vice Chair Ogata Yasuo on February 22 held talks with Pham Minh Chinh, Communist Party of Vietnam Politoburo member and the head of the CPV Central Committee’s Organization Commission, at the CPV head office in Hanoi.

Ogata explained the significance of the JCP 27th Congress. He said that the Congress, which took place amid growing collaboration between the anti-Abe opposition forces and citizens concerned, clarified new trends in world affairs. Ogata pointed out that JCP-CPV relations have been developing in a multi-faceted manner through various occasions such as the sixth theoretical exchange in September 2016. The JCP vice chair expressed his hope for an even stronger partnership between the two parties which would help to contribute to world peace as well as to international justice and progress.

Chinh congratulated Ogata on the success of the JCP 27th Congress. Citing his experience of taking part in the JCP-CPV theoretical exchange two times, Chinh said that he intends to promote further cooperation with the JCP.

Prior to the meeting with Chinh, Ogata met with Hoang Binh Quan who heads the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs. They exchanged views on the current situation in Japan and Vietnam, the two parties’ relations, and global affairs.

Ogata meets with vice president of Laos

JCP Vice Chair Ogata on February 24 talked with Laos vice president Phankham Viphavanh, who is also a standing member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee Secretariat and a member of the LPRP Politoburo, in the Laos capital city of Vientiane.

Ogata expressed his congratulations on Laos achieving economic and social development and improving its international reputation as shown by the fact that it held the ASEAN chairmanship in 2016. Citing the LPRP delegation’s visit to Japan last June, Ogata said that the JCP hopes to further develop friendship and solidarity with the LPRP.

Earlier on the same day, the JCP vice chair also held talks with Sounthone Xayachack, the head of the LPRP Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations. They had discussions on the current regional and global situations and agreed to enhance cooperation between the two parties.
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