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2017 May 17 - 23 [POLITICS]

Progressive forum calls for bringing down of Abe administration

May 21, 2017
The National Association for a Peaceful, Democratic and Progressive Japan (Kakushinkon) on May 20 held its 37th general meeting in Tokyo.

The meeting reflected the current situation where Prime Minister Abe Shinzo made a statement aiming to revise Article 9 of the Constitution and where an “anti-conspiracy” bill was railroaded through the Lower House Judicial Affairs Committee. Delegates from Kakushinkon locals expressed their determination to develop national cooperation at the grassroots level, confront the Abe administration through the joint struggles of opposition parties and concerned citizens, and use the coming general election to create a new government.

Kakushinkon executive member Odagawa Yoshikazu, president of the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren), made a keynote presentation and said, “Let us stop Abe’s ‘runaway’ government, topple the Abe regime, and open the path to a new day in politics.”

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo who is also a Kakushinkon representative gave a special report.

In the report, Shii criticized the Abe government for recklessly promoting anti-constitutional policies and for being tainted with the personalization of politics. He went on to say, “The Abe government no longer respects the idea of a nation ruled by law.” Shii also pointed out that the Abe administration operates with a sense of arrogance and impatience. “We should further develop the joint struggle of opposition parties and concerned citizens in advance of the coming general election. What is important is promoting the growth of a huge grassroots struggle,” he added.

A delegate from Osaka said that the Osaka Kakushinkon called for creating a citizens’ coalition with executive members of the prefectural federation of Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo) and conservatives who are not supportive of Abe’s policies.

A Kyoto Youth Kakushinkon delegate said that it is important for young activists to come together to know each other, respect each other, and connect with each other, and reported about a successful event which was held in February with the aim to deepen youth exchange. The delegate stressed that the Youth Kakushinkon will make an effort to talk with young people who oppose the enactment of the “anti-conspiracy” bill and constitutional revision and to advance citizens progressive movements together.

The 37th general assembly adopted a special resolution to block the enactment of the “anti-conspiracy” bill.
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