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HOME  > 2017 June 7 - 13
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2017 June 7 - 13 [POLITICS]

Diet approves Japan-India nuclear cooperation pact

June 7 & 8, 2017
The House of Councilors on June 7 at its plenary session approved the Japan-India nuclear cooperation agreement by the majority vote of the Liberal Democratic and Komei parties. The Japanese Communist Party opposed.

On the previous day at a meeting of the House Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, JCP lawmaker Inoue Satoshi expressed his opposition by saying, “It is unforgivable for the A-bombed nation of Japan to provide nuclear cooperation to India which has not signed the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and has nuclear weapons.”

Inoue pointed out that the number of nuclear warheads in India has increased to 120 since the nation began obtaining support from nuclear weapons states for its nuclear power program in 2008. Inoue cited that India has engaged in ballistic missile development in violation of UN Security Council resolutions. He also referred to the fact that Indian Prime Minister Modi characterized the nation’s successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile at the end of 2016 as a “proud moment for every Indian”. The JCP lawmaker said that the approval of the bilateral nuclear deal means that Japan accepts India’s nuclear and missile development program.

In reply, Foreign Minister Kishida Fumio said that based on a safeguard system of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Japan-supplied materials will not be used for military purposes. He also said that the Japan-India pact will actually contribute to incorporating India into the NPT structure.

Pointing out that the IAEA has no authority to conduct inspections at military facilities, JCP Inoue said that there is a possibility that Japan’s assistance for the civil use of nuclear energy technology could result in providing assistance to India’s nuclear weapons development.

Past related articles:
> Lower House passes bill to ratify Japan-India nuclear deal [May 17, 2017]
> Japan-India nuclear deal should not be ratified: expert [April 13, 2017]
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