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2017 June 28 - July 4 [POLITICS]

Inada’s remarks over SDF will lead to destruction of civil liberties

June 30, 2017
Regarding the call to “vote for Liberal Democratic Party candidates” made by Defense Minister Inada Tomomi, the ruling LDP has shown no sign of remorse, and the LDP-coalition partner Komei Party has not made any official comment on it and has kept silent.

The other day, Inada said at an election campaign rally, “As the head of the Defense Ministry, representing all SDF members, I ask you for your support to LDP candidates in the July 2 Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election.”

The problem is that Inada’s remarks violate the maintenance of political neutrality required for a military organization which forms the fundamental principle behind the general public’s right to freedom and democracy.

What the Defense Minister implied was that the SDF as an organization would support the ruling parties’ candidates, which poses a question about the SDF’s role: Is the SDF an armed force working for the ruling party?

The SDF is conferred authority to use weapons against the general public under the name of “maintaining the public order”. However, if the SDF is used for the ruling party’s own purpose, it will turn into a force suppressing people’s right to freedom and democracy. Therefore, the Public Servant Law and the Self-Defense Forces Law strictly stipulate the political neutrality of the SDF. It is a serious matter that the DM made a statement that denies the SDF’s political neutrality. Inada has no qualification to be a Cabinet Minister.

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo should immediately dismiss DM Inada.
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