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2017 July 12 - 18 TOP3 [PEACE]

World Conference will focus on next step toward nuclear weapons-free world after adoption of N-ban treaty

July 14, 2017
The Organizing Committee of the World Conference against A and H Bombs on July 13 held a news conference in Tokyo to announce the list of 105 overseas delegates from 22 countries as well as the schedule of the 2017 World Conference due to be held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki from August 3 to August 9.

Representing the Steering Committee of the World Conference Organizing Committee, Taka Hiroshi introduced the main theme of this year’s conference, “Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: A Nuclear Weapons-Free, Peaceful and Just World”. He went on to say, “The focus of future antinuke movements is to have the N-ban treaty come into effect with signatures from all 193 UN member states and with ratification in these countries’ parliaments.”

The 2017 World Conference against A and H Bombs will open with the International Meeting (August 3-5) followed by the World Conference-Hiroshima rally (August 5-6). In the Hiroshima rally on August 6, national director of the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations Mimaki Toshiyuki, who handed over 2.96 million Hibakush appeal signatures to the antinuke UN Conference president, will give a speech.

The main World Conference rally will take place on August 7-9 in Nagasaki. UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Nakamitsu Izumi will deliver an address at the opening plenary on August 7. In addition, government representatives from Austria, Mexico, and Cuba which took leading roles in the latest antinuke UN Conference are expected to speak at the rally.

This year’s World conference will be a significant opportunity for Hibakusha, nuclear test victims, UN and government representatives, and Japanese and foreign grass-roots activists to exchange their views on the next step to be taken toward creating a world without nuclear weapons after the adoption of the antinuke UN treaty.

Past related articles:
> Hibakusha gather to celebrate the nuclear weapons ban treaty [July 9, 2017]
> Success of 2017 antinuke World Conference will give fresh boost to realization of nuclear weapons ban treaty [July 3, 2017]
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