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2017 August 2 - 8 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Koike: In a phrase, it’s a ‘scandal cover-up Cabinet’

August 4, 2017
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on August 3 said that he regards the reshuffled Cabinet which was inaugurated earlier on the day as a Cabinet formed to divert public attention from the ongoing allegations by removing the scandal-tainted ministers in question.

Koike in the Diet building said to the press, “Former Defense Minister Inada Tomomi who has been suspected of being involved in the hiding of the daily reports on GSDF duties in South Sudan left the Cabinet and all the ministers who had reportedly taken a hand in either “Moritomo” or “Kake” scandals disappeared from the roster of Cabinet members. In a phrase, Abe has formed a ‘scandal cover-up Cabinet’.”

He said, “With a new lineup, Prime Minister Abe probably wanted to improve his falling approval rating. However, he himself is causing the drop in support,” pointing out that a key question is whether or not Abe had any part in the spate of scandals.

Koike added, “What Abe must do is not a member change but the Cabinet resignation en masse as well as dissolution of the Lower House for a subsequent snap general election in order to seek public verdict over his policies.”

Koike emphasized the need for the Diet to urgently hold Committee meetings in both Houses to address the issue of the concealment of the GSDF daily reports. Even after the Defense Ministry’s special investigation, whether Inada agreed with the non-disclosure decision on the GSDF documents and whether PM Abe knew about this fact still remain in doubt. Koike again said, “The attendance of both Inada and Abe is imperative in questioning in off-session meetings.” Regarding the Moritomo Gakuen scandal, he also demanded that Committee meetings be convened in both chambers.

Past related articles:
> LDP’s refusal to call ex-DM to off-session Diet meeting is unacceptable: JCP Koike [August 1, 2017]
> Closing the curtain on SDF data cover-up scandal with DM’s resignation unacceptable [July 29, 2017]
> PM Abe gets stuck answering questions on ‘Kake’ scandal [July 26, 2017]
> JCP Koike grills Abe over scandals of ‘Kake’ and cover-up of SDF’s ‘daily reports’[July 26, 2017]
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