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HOME  > 2017 September 13 - 19
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2017 September 13 - 19 [POLITICS]

Shii emphasizes need to win general election through united efforts of opposition parties and concerned citizens

September 19, 2017
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on September 18 in response to Prime Minister Abe’s stated intent to dissolve the Lower House said that the JCP will promote negotiations for collaboration with three opposition parties and concerned citizens to win the projected general election.

At a press conference at the JCP Head Office, Shii explained the party’s views on PM Abe’s move hinting at the possible snap general election and the opposition-citizens collaboration in the election.

Asked about the JCP’s perspective on cooperation with the Democratic, Social Democratic, and Liberal parties at this time, Shii said that a common election platform, mutual endorsement and support, and a forward-looking agreement on the issue of a next government are important elements for achieving a success in establishing full cooperation among the four parties.

Shii noted that driven by public movements opposing the war laws two years ago, the four opposition parties developed an alliance with concerned citizens. Shii said that in furthering the development of the alliance, the four parties agreed to set common goals. They are: to repeal the war laws and restore constitutionalism; change the nation’s anti-people economic policies which widens social inequalities and poverty; put an end to PM Abe’s authoritarian handling of politics such as the promoting TPP and the U.S. base construction in Okinawa; and foil PM Abe’s ambition to revise the pacifist Constitution.

Shii said that in addition to these goals, the four parties agreed that their common election platform will include four party-proposed bills and policy agreements with the civil alliance.

In response to reporters’ questions about cooperation with the DP which has a different stance in regard to the consumption tax and the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, Shii said, “The important thing for political parties’ cooperation and joint struggles is to work together for common grounds with public movements.”

Shii also said, “Collaboration among opposition parties is not at issue between the JCP and the DP. The opposition parties launched joint struggles in response to the public call which was repeated in civic movements against the war laws. This should be kept in mind.” Shii went on to say, “Opposition parties’ cooperation is the only way to bring down the Abe government. Seeking to win the general election through united efforts, the JCP will work to speed up negotiations with other opposition parties as well as with the civil alliance.”

Past related article:
> JCP calls on DP to hold opposition parties’ meeting to discuss electoral cooperation[ September 5, 2017]
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