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HOME  > 2017 September 20 - 26
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2017 September 20 - 26 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Koike: JCP advance and success of opposition/citizens alliance needed to end Abe politics

September 25, 2017
With Prime Minister Abe calling for a snap general election, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on a TV political debate program on September 24 expressed his determination to put an end to PM Abe’s runaway politics through a JCP advance and a success of an opposition-citizens alliance in the election.

JCP Koike on NHK’s “Sunday Debate” program discussed with representatives of other political parties PM Abe’s move and major issues that should be highlighted in a general election reportedly slated for October.

The host of the program asked the political party representatives about their views on PM Abe’s intent to convene an extraordinary session of the Diet on September 28 and dissolve the House of Representatives at the beginning of the session.

Koike criticized Abe for using crafty tactics with the aim of distracting public attention from his alleged involvement in the “Kake” and “Moritomo” scandals. Koike referred to the fact that the Abe government notified political parties that an extraordinary Diet session will begin on September 28 to “discuss urgent matters”. Koike said, “As stated in the government notice, PM Abe should hold Diet deliberations on government policies, including the budget draft, and Diet hearings of witnesses related to the scandals. Only by doing so should he be allowed to call a general election.”

Regarding election issues, Koike pointed out that the point at issue is whether to allow PM Abe to continue using the power of his office for his own interests, bulldozing through anti-constitution laws such as the conspiracy law and implementing anti-people policies, including the U.S. base construction in Okinawa. Koike said, “The JCP will call on voters to deliver a severe verdict to Abe’s high-handed handling of politics. The party will also appeal to the general public the need to put an end to the runaway Abe government through a JCP advance and joint struggles by opposition parties and concerned citizens in the election.”

Asked about collaboration with the Democratic, Social Democratic, and Liberal parties, Koike emphasized the significance of the fact that the four parties already agreed to work together to field a joint candidate in single-member districts in the general election. Citing the need to reach a conclusion regarding policies in common and mutual endorsement and support, Koike said that the JCP will work hard to respond to demands from concerned citizens for a scenario under which an opposition/citizens alliance-supported candidate will stage a one-on-one fight with his/her rival backed by the ruling coalition in all single-seat constituencies in the general election.

Past related article:
> JCP calls on DP to hold opposition parties’ meeting to discuss electoral cooperation [ September 5, 2017]
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