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2017 September 20 - 26 [POLITICS]

Abe in New York Times article disregards global efforts for dialogue with N. Korea

September 20, 2017
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in his article in the New York Times op-ed which was published on September 17 wrote that dialogue will not work with North Korea, showing his position of disregarding the global efforts to establish a dialogue for peaceful solution of the North Korea issue.

In his article, PM Abe wrote that everyone aspires to a peaceful solution to North Korea’s challenges and that “global solidarity is of utmost importance.” On the other hand, he proclaimed, “Still, prioritizing diplomacy and emphasizing the importance of dialogue will not work with North Korea.”

Stating that now is the time to “exert the utmost pressure” on the North, Abe called on UN member states to “thoroughly enforce” the UNSC Resolution 2375 which was adopted on September 11.

The latest resolution, however, encourages UN member states to make efforts to “facilitate a peaceful and comprehensive solution through dialogue” and “reduce tensions in the Korean Peninsula” in combination with the implementation of sanctions.

More importantly, leaders of other countries are seeking ways to create a dialogue with North Korea while PM Abe shows unwillingness to do so.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron have opined that it is necessary to hold talks to solve the North Korea issue.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who visited NYC to attend the UN General Assembly, in a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on September 18 urged the UN leader to mediate talks on the ongoing crisis. In response, the UN chief reportedly said that he will work to find a solution to the problem through dialogue.

In regard to the North Korea issue, a pressing task is to avert any military conflict which could be provoked through unforeseen circumstances or miscalculations and bring about significant damage not only to the Korean Peninsula and Japan but also to other countries. Initiating dialogue is the best way to deal with the ongoing crisis.

Past related article:
> JCP in Diet debate: Gov’t should urge US to hold talks with N. Korea to avert military clash [ September 6, 2017]
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