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HOME  > 2017 October 4 - 10
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2017 October 4 - 10 [POLITICS]

Shinshu Sect monks in Kyoto unite to protect Article 9

October 6, 2017
Buddhist monks and laypersons in Kyoto on October 5 met together at Nishi-Hongan-ji Temple’s Monpo Hall where the teachings of Buddha are offered. They decided to stand in unity to protect Article 9 of the Constitution.

The gathering was called for by an Article 9 association of Buddhist monks, a group of Shinshu Sect, a peace organization of Higashi- and Nishi-Hongan-ji temples, and a group of Shinshu Sect adherents.

Hase Yoshio, a member of an Article 9 association of Shinshu Sect Otani School, reported that an Otani School monk will run for the election as a united opposition parties/citizens candidate in the No.2 district of the neighboring prefecture of Shiga. Hase read a message of the candidate, Taigetsu Jisho, in which he expresses his determination to repeal the security legislation and restore constitutionalism. Hase continued to say, “We must unite under this cause.”

They adopted an appeal criticizing the Abe government for seeking to destroy the spirit of the Constitution and for having steamrollered through the decision to dissolve the House of Representatives and hold the general election. In regard to the political stance of the Hope Party, the appeal labels it as “almost same as that of Abe Shinzo”. It declares, “Entrusted by many citizens, we, Shinshu Sect people, will take steps toward bringing about true peace from here and now on.”

The appeal also calls for cooperation with other sects and schools by stating, “Longing for peace, we will sincerely increase dialogue to build solidarity.”
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