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2017 October 25 - 31 [POLITICS]

LDP, Komeito reject ICAN’s request for taking up N-ban treaty in election campaign

October 27, 2017
It has come to light that the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties as well as the Hope Party and the Ishin no Kai party rejected a request made by this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner ICAN during the general election campaign that the UN treaty banning nuclear weapons be included among election issues.

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) official Kawasaki Akira revealed this in a press conference in Hiroshima City. He visited the city for the first time since ICAN won the Nobel Peace Prize.

During the general election campaign, Kawasaki submitted an appointment request to all political parties with the aim of having the nuclear weapons ban treaty debated as one of the key election issues. The LDP, Komeito, HP, and Ishin turned down Kawasaki’s request by saying, “We have a full schedule” or “It is difficult to arrange an appointment.” In contrast, the Japanese Communist Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan all arranged for their top-ranking officials to meet with Kawasaki.

The four parties not only refused to meet with the ICAN representative in Japan but some even made negative remarks in regard to the UN treaty in their campaign speeches. When the Nobel Peace Prize was announced, they were mute.

At the press conference in Hiroshima, Kawasaki expressed his expectations for the three parties to push the Japanese government to sign and ratify the UN accord prohibiting nuclear weapons.

Commenting on the award of the Noble Peace Prize to ICAN, Kawasaki said, “Hibakusha initiated the process of publicly recounting their painful experiences following the atomic bombings and pioneered the antinuke movements in Japan,” praising Hibakusha’s tenacious efforts. He then added that along with ICAN international steering group members, three Hibakusha, including one living abroad, will be invited to the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony scheduled to be held in Oslo, Norway, in December.

Kawasaki referred to a draft resolution on the elimination of nuclear arms which the Japanese government proposed to the UN General Assembly. He pointed out that the draft resolution requires only North Korea to participate in the CTBT while making no reference to other nuclear weapons states, and criticized the draft as extremely biased.

After the conference, Kawasaki took part in a reception celebrating ICAN being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He shared his joy with Hibakusha, Hiroshima Mayor Matsui Kazumi, and other participants.

Past related articles:
> Shii and ICAN official agree to jointly push Japan to sign UN nuclear weapons ban treaty [October 12, 2017]
> Hibakusha celebrate ICAN winning Nobel Peace Prize [October 7&8, 2017]
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