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2017 November 1 - 7 [POLITICS]

Revisionist-occupied Diet finally convenes session

November 2, 2017
The 195th special session of the Diet following last week’s general election was convened on November 1 and is scheduled to end on December 9.

Until the day before the opening of the special session, there was a tug-of-war between opposition parties and the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komeito parties over the length of the Diet session. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party insisted on an eight-day session. The Japanese Communist Party and other opposition parties demanded a duration of more than 30 days by citing the need to discuss pressing domestic and international issues. The ruling coalition finally accepted holding the Diet session for 39 days most likely out of fear of a backlash from the general public which is keeping a critical eye on the LDP’s handling of the “Moritomo” and “Kake” cronyism scandals.

On November 1, LDP President Abe Shinzo was re-elected as prime minister at plenary meetings of both Houses of the Diet. Following his re-election, PM Abe formed his fourth Cabinet. All cabinet members who were appointed in the August Cabinet reshuffle reseated.

Meanwhile, near the Diet building, about 1,000 people, including union workers and pro-constitution citizens, got together and resolved to work hard to foil PM Abe’s attempt to initiate a constitutional amendment.

This action was called for jointly by the All-Out Action Committee and two other nationwide civil organizations working to defend constitutionalism and democracy.

All-Out Action Committee co-leader Fukuyama Shingo on behalf of the organizing committee delivered a speech. Referring to the general election results, Fukuyama said, “LDP-led revisionists occupy two thirds of the House of Representatives. But, opposition parties/citizens collaboration also established a foothold to resist constitutional revision in the chamber. Let’s strengthen our collaboration inside and outside the Diet.”

JCP Dietmembers, including Chair Shii Kazuo, took part in the rally. Shii gave a speech in solidarity and said, “Let us join hands to build majority support among the general public to defend the Constitution.”

Representatives of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Party, and the Okinawa Whirlwind (a political group in the Upper House) delivered speeches in solidarity.

Past related articles:
> Civil Alliance calls for stronger 'counterbalancing' power [ October 25, 2017]
> Axis of political confrontation is whether to defend Article 9 [ October 25, 2017]
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