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2017 November 8 - 14 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Trivia obsessed media reports on Trump visit

November 8 & 11, 2017

The media have reported every move of visiting U.S. President Donald Trump (Nov.5-Nov.7) just like they did when his daughter and advisor Ivanka came in advance to Japan. However, their reports were mostly superficial and trivial.

Starting from the live broadcast of the arrival of Air Force One, the media reported on Trump and Prime Minister Abe Shinzo playing golf together, the menu of their banquet dinner, the two first ladies visiting a public elementary school, the steak Trump, his wife Melania, and PM Abe ordered at a teppanyaki restaurant, and Trump feeding carp at an Akasaka Palace pond.

The media, however, did not cover in detail, for example, the fact that Abe by saying, "Japan consistently supports your position," accepted the possible use of force as Trump talked about dealing with the North Korea issue and that Abe gave a favorable response to Trump asking Japan to purchase more U.S. weapons during the summit meeting. Some TV commentators even praised Trump by saying, "He was nicer than expected."

NHK news on November 6, the day a Japan-U.S. joint statement was issued, reported that Abe at a joint press conference said, "We completely agreed to enhance pressure on North Korea through every possible means." During the same conference, Abe also stated that Japan will support Trump's "all options are on the table" stance regarding North Korea. However, NHK did omit this portion from Abe's address.

Meanwhile, Trump said that Japan will buy massive amounts of U.S. defense equipment and that Japan will be able to shoot down North Korean missiles. NHK, however, reported on this remark without adding any substance. At a studio, a female reporter commented on Trump's visit as if she were a government official. She said, "Japan was able to emphasize its strong alliance with the United States both at home and abroad which is a powerful signal to not only North Korea but also China."

Very few commentators on commercial broadcasting programs asserted that Abe should point out to Trump that Japan may be better off by seeking a harmonious coexistence with Asian countries by means of peace and doing away with its exclusive devotion to the U.S.
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