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2017 November 22 - 28 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

column  Discriminatory remarks by LDP lawmakers reveal party’s true nature

November 27, 2017
Akahata 'current' column

“[A]ll we are doing with this bill is allowing two people who love each other to have that recognized by way of marriage. That is all we are doing.” A speech made by a member of the New Zealand parliament four years ago has again received praise from across the world.

At that time, the New Zealand parliament was discussing a bill to legalize same-sex marriage. The MP called on the opponents of the bill to stop making it into a big deal. In the speech, he said, “This is fantastic for the people it affects, but for the rest of us, life will go on.” The bill was passed after the speech.

In response to those who fear possible adverse impacts on the society, the MP said with humor that the legislation will not change daily lives for worse. The speech was shared by people worldwide via social media. It called for greater tolerance toward and social inclusion of sexual minorities.

On the other hand, recently in Japan, ruling Liberal Democratic Party General Council Chairman Takeshita Wataru asserted that a state guest’s same-sex partner should not be invited to a banquet in the Imperial Court. As a reason for this, Takeshita said that such a relationship does not agree with Japan’s traditional values. Receiving much criticism, Takeshita said that he should not have said that. However, he still refuses to retract his remark not favoring gender and sexual diversity.

LDP lawmaker Yamamoto Kozo, a former Regional Revitalization Minister, made a discriminatory remark at a party held by his colleague who has worked to strengthen Japan’s relationships with African nations. He said, “I do not understand why he likes blacks so much,” Although he later said that he had not referred to a race, it is evidently a racist remark.

In addition, LDP member of the House of Councilors Santo Akiko proposed that the Welfare Ministry give commendations to women who gave birth to four children or more as if to say that having many babies is a woman’s important duty to the country. As shown by such abusive remarks, LDP lawmakers share discriminatory attitudes concerning sex, race, and people’s ways of living. The party has outdated mindsets lagging behind the demands of the time and the norms set by international society to create a fairer world.
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