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2017 December 20 - 2018 January 9 [POLITICS]

LDP-leaning critic attacks Okinawa local newspapers

December 22, 2017
It seems that writer Hyakuta Naoki, a famous right-wing critic, cannot stop complaining about Okinawa's two local dailies which report on the U.S. base issues always on the side of Okinawans.

Hyakuta is also an initiator of the signature-collection drive promoted by Japan's largest rightist organization Japan Conference (Nippon Kaigi) aspiring for constitutional amendments.

The other day, at a public lecture in Nago City in Okinawa, he labeled local anti-base sit-in protesters as "Chinese agents." He defamed them by claiming, "Core members are all from China or Korea. They are very scary." He furthermore singled out a specific reporter of the Okinawa Times as a target of abuse. Hyakuta said, "If China took over Ryukyu (now Okinawa), the Chinese would make a plaything of the daughter of this journalist."

Soon, the Okinawa Times, the Okinawa council of mass media workers unions, and commercial newspaper and broadcast workers unions lodged a protest against Hyakuta.

Supported by former Okinawa Governor Nakaima Hirokazu and former Nago City Mayor Shimabukuro Yoshikazu, both Henoko base proponents, Ganaha Masako who represents a group "for correcting the Okinawa Times and the Ryukyu Shimpo" hosted the public lecture.

Regarding the slander against Okinawans, Professor at Okinawa International University Teruya Hiroyuki pointed out, "In all the recent elections in Okinawa, base opponents won over base proponents. Yet still, the central government is imposing the new base on Okinawa, ignoring the popular will and local autonomy." Teruya added, "The base advocates argue that the two newspapers are biased toward criticism of the central government and the U.S. military. But, to spread false rumors and take a hostile view against opinions not conforming to power exposes a very biased attitude. Even since Okinawa's reversion to Japan, local people have been making unreasonable sacrifices due to crimes and accidents committed by U.S. servicemen. It is only natural for Okinawans to oppose the new base construction."

Past related article:
> News media raise voices in opposition after ‘Destroy Okinawa newspapers’ remark at LDP study meeting [June 28 & 30, 2015]
> Crush Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo newspapers: Hyakuta [June 29, 2015]
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