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2017 December 20 - 2018 January 9 [POLITICS]

Shii in NHK interview: International community should work together for success of dialogue between North, South Korea

January 8, 2018
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on NHK’s “Sunday Debate” program which aired on January 7 gave an interview about key issues in Japan’s political situation such as the Abe government’s economic policies, constitutional revision, and the North Korea crisis.

The program host asked Shii about PM Abe’s remark that close ties with the U.S. Trump administration is necessary for Japan’s safety.

Shii pointed out that President Trump under his “America First” slogan abandoned “responsibility” for the “U.S.-led international order” which the nation has designed and established since the end of WWII.

As an example, Shii cited President Trump’s declaration to withdraw from the Paris agreement tackling climate change and his lawless act of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Shii stressed that in the current situation where the U.S. become increasingly isolated, only PM Abe maintains his “Trump first” stance. “It is a pressing need for Japan to end its diplomatic policy of being extremely subservient to the U.S.,” Shii said.

Regarding the North Korea issue, the program host asked about the high-level talks between North and South Korea slated for January 9. The meeting was proposed by South Korean President Moon Jae-in following North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s address on New Year’s Day.

The host noted that PM Abe gave a negative evaluation to Moon’s proposal, saying, “It’s still too early to hold dialogue”, and asked Shii for his view.

Welcoming the resumption of a dialogue between North and South Korea, Shii said that it is still unacceptable for the North to continue its nuclear and missile development. Shii went on to say, “At the same time, I believe everyone wants to prevent war from erupting. In this context, only through dialogue can the crisis be solved peacefully.”

Talking about the latest move toward dialogue, Shii noted that South Korean President Moon in a telephone talk with U.S. President Trump reportedly said that communications between Pyongyang and Seoul will help to set the mood for a direct conversation between the U.S. and North Korea. Shii said, “It is absolutely important for the international society to work together for the success of the North, South Korea dialogue.”

Past related articles:
> Shii: US Trump administration should withdraw its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital [December 7, 2017]
US, 2nd biggest carbon polluter, should share responsibility for fight against climate change
[June 3, 2017]
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