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HOME  > 2017 December 20 - 2018 January 9
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2017 December 20 - 2018 January 9 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Sumo world must introduce scientific training methods and eliminate violent practices

December 21, 2017
The Japan Sumo Association on December 20 confirmed that former sumo grand champion Harumafuji deserves to be forced to retire in light of his involvement in the assault case. It also said that it is regrettable that many people in the sumo community still think that the use of fists acceptable.

Harumafuji while drinking with his fellow sumo wrestlers in late October hit and injured one of them, saying that the wrestler was being impolite to elder fighters. The police sent a report on Harumafuji’s case to the prosecutor’s office earlier this month.

At a press conference held after the sumo association’s board of directors meeting on December 20, the association’s crisis management committee chair Takano Toshio pointed out that the sumo world still has a tendency to condone violence. He stressed that physical abuse is unacceptable no matter whatever the reason is.

Takano said that many sumo wrestlers, especially veterans, believe that it is permissible to use physical discipline to train young wrestlers. This remark reveals the need for the sumo world to introduce scientific training methods which do not condone violence.

The crisis management committee also proposed to create a project team consisting of outside experts to discuss measures to prevent a recurrence. To give shape to this proposal is the sumo association’s role.

In order to eliminate the undue use of physical force, the sumo association must unite and make concrete efforts to address this issue.

Past related article:
> Sumo world still mired in violence [November 16, 2017]
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