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2018 January 17 - 23 TOP3 [POLITICS]

1 year anniv. of Trump regime, Abe devoted to follow Trump

January 19, 2018

One year has passed since Donald Trump became the U.S. president. He has been provoking criticism and admonitions not only from the international community but also even from within his administration. Japan's Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, however, continues sticking with a "Trump First" position, never expressing any disagreement with Trump or his policies.

Regarding North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile program, PM Abe declares he will support whatever decision Trump makes with all options on the table. The options include a preemptive strike. As Japan now has its so-called war laws in place, it could be caught up in supporting and participating in a U.S. military action at some point.

Last November, President Trump came to Japan and publicly made a pitch for U.S. weapons sales to Japan. At a press conference, he said that large purchases of U.S.-made defense equipment are desirable. In response, PM Abe obediently said that Japan will buy more American arms. In fact, Japan's military budget for the next fiscal year has surpassed a previous record high due to the bulk purchases of U.S. weaponry.

PM Abe also does not say anything about President Trump's irresponsible and discriminatory words and deeds over many global-level issues. In January last year, Trump proclaimed a ban on entry of people from seven Muslim-majority nations to the United States. Abe made no comment on this at all while other U.S. allies criticized the ban. Abe at any given moment curries favor with Trump and never says "no" to him, violating the principle of legal equality and trampling on freedom of religion.

In June last year, Trump announced the U.S. departure from the Paris climate agreement. EU President Donald Tusk, along with many other state leaders, persuaded the U.S. to stay on the accord. In sharp contrast, Japan's prime minister just said that the U.S. withdrawal is "regrettable" despite the fact that the U.S. is a major greenhouse-gas emitter.

President Trump suggested a possibility of scrapping the U.S.-Iran nuclear agreement and declared that the U.S. recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in violation of international law. All these moves could exacerbate the situation in the Middle East. Again, however, PM Abe persistently kept silent while major European allies, including the U.K. and France, stood up against the U.S.

Abe's extraordinary obedience to Trump is increasingly standing out in the international community.
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