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HOME  > 2010 November 24 - 30
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2010 November 24 - 30 [FOREIGN POLICY]

JCP Shii calls for government effort to open emergency meeting of Six- Party Talks

November 30, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo called on the government to work hard to help bring about an emergency meeting of the Six-Party Talks at a party heads meeting in the Diet building on November 29 in response to the North Korean artillery attack on South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island.

Shii pointed out that China’s proposal to convene an emergency meeting is significant, saying, “The Six-Party Talks aim to solve the North Korean nuclear issue and achieve peace and stability in Northeast Asia. Now, since an emergency relating to this issue has come up, it is a matter of course to hold an emergency meeting, which, I believe, will carry significant weight in bringing a diplomatic solution to the issue.’’

Shii added, “At the meeting, the government needs to logically criticize North Korea for violating the Armistice Agreement over the Korean War, the U.N. Charter, and other North-South agreements as well as to make diplomatic efforts to restrain its lawless behavior. The meeting will also be useful for reopening a negotiation channel between Japan and North Korea,’’ said Shii.

Prime Minister Kan Naoto replied, “We will make a decision in cooperation with the United States and South Korea.” Shii said in response, “Japan should also initiate independent diplomatic actions.”
- Akahata, November 30, 2010
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