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HOME  > 2018 March 21 - 27
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2018 March 21 - 27 [POLITICS]

PM Abe at LDP convention expresses his infatuation for initiation of constitutional amendments

March 26, 2018
Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on March 25 at the annual convention of the Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo expressed his fixation for having the Diet initiate constitutional amendments.

PM Abe, who is also the LDP President, said that it is high time to undertake constitutional revision. He went on to say, “It is our primary responsibility to change the situation in which many constitutional scholars consider the existence of the Self-Defense Forces as unconstitutional by incorporating in the Constitution a phrase legitimatizing the SDF.”

The convention adopted this year’s action policy which puts top priority on efforts to implement constitutional revision. Regarding this policy, LDP Secretary General Nikai Toshihiro explained that the party will draw up a draft bill to amend the supreme law based on discussions at both houses’ Commissions on the Constitution and other political parties’ opinions, and will seek to have the Diet initiate constitutional amendments.

Later on the same day, asked about PM Abe’s remarks at the LDP convention, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo said to the press, “The point at issue is not the constitutionality of the SDF, but PM Abe’s intent to convert the SDF to a military force that engages in offensive use of force abroad.”

Regarding the LDP’s plan to revise Article 9, Shii pointed out that the LDP insists that it will leave the current pacifist paragraphs unchanged but will add a new paragraph which fully legitimatizes the SDF in order for Japan to supposedly take measures in self-defense. Shii said, “The term ‘measures in self-defense’ refers to the right to self-defense which is composed of the right to individual self-defense and the right to collective self-defense.”

Shii stressed, “The proposed new paragraph will take the teeth out of the second paragraph of Article 9 renouncing the possession of military potential, which will open the path for the SDF’s use of armed force in foreign countries.”

Past related articles:
> Local dailies in their New Year editorials criticize Abe’s ambition to undermine Constitution [January 6, 2018]
> PM Abe in New Year’s address expresses intent to step up attack on Article 9 [January 5, 2018]
> Shii in 3rd CC Plenum calls for national movement to block Abe’s attempt to alter Article 9[December 3&4, 2017]
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