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2018 May 9 - 15 [POLITICS]

Finance Minister Aso makes series of abusive remarks over scandals surrounding the ministry

May 9, 2018

Finance Minister Aso Taro on May 8 in a press conference held after a Cabinet meeting made abusive remarks regarding the scandals surrounding the ministry such as the falsification of official documents and sexual harassment. This again shows that Aso needs to be removed from his post.

Concerning the doctoring of official documents about the national land sale to the Moritomo Gakuen school corporation, Aso asserted, “The alteration of documents can occur in every organization. The occurrence in the ministry was mainly due to decisions made by individual officials rather than by the ministry.” This assertion plays down the scandal and blames unidentified individuals.

Regarding sexual harassment by former Finance Ministry Administrative Vice Minister Fukuda Jun’ichi, Aso said, “There is no such thing as criminal sexual harassment.” He uttered the same abusive remark at a press conference in Manila last week during his official trip to the Philippines.

In addition, with regard to the fact that in response to opposition parties which demand the full revelation of the document fabrication scandal, the ruling block expressed its intention to work to have the Finance Ministry submit all the original documents to the Diet by May 18, Aso claimed that it is difficult for the ministry to do so. He showed no regret over the ministry’s deception of the general public and the Diet by falsifying official documents.

Past related articles:
> Finance Minister: Victims should come forward to prove ministry bureaucrat’s acts of sexual harassment [April 18, 2018]
> Finance Ministry admits to falsification of official documents regarding state land sale to Moritomo [March 13, 2018]
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