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2010 December 1 - 7 [JCP]

Shii meets with Cambodian People’s Party leader

December 5, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on December 3 met with Say Chhum, Standing Committee Chairman of the Cambodian People’s Party, at the CPP head office in Phnom Penh.

Referring to the impressions of his visits to the Choeung Ek “killing fields” and the remains of Toul Sleng Prison, Shii said that the JCP has been in solidarity with the CPP since it formed the national salvation united front and overthrew the regime of the Pol Pot faction in 1979. He affirmed that the subsequent end of the civil war, the reconstruction of the land and the country’s economic development have proven that the party’s action had been based on a great cause. Shii expressed the hope that the JCP and the CPP would further develop their relations.

Say thanked Shii for the solidarity and support shown by the JCP since the initiation of the national salvation united front, and expressed hope for further development of relations between the two countries, between the two peoples, and between the two parties. Mentioning the scars of the massacre of the Pol Pot faction taking the lives of about three million people still felt in many places throughout the country, Say said that Cambodia takes pride in having achieved peace, stability and economic development against all odds.

Concerning Cambodia’s Constitution which clearly states the principles of permanent neutrality, non-alignment, peaceful coexistence, non-aggression, non-interference into other countries’ internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes, and non-participation in military alliances and military treaties, along with the absolute ban on nuclear weapons, Shii said that the JCP agrees with all these positions. Shii called for CPP cooperation over issues of peace in Asia and the rest of the world such as the task aimed at a world free from nuclear weapons.

Say accepted Shii’s proposal, saying that the two parties apparently have the same policies in regard to peace and that maintaining cooperative relations would be most welcome.
- Akahata, December 5, 2010
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