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2018 May 23 - 29 TOP3 [JCP]

Shii calls on US and N. Korea leaders to continue work to hold summit meeting

May 26, 2018
Following U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement of his intention to cancel scheduled summit with the North Korean leader, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on May 25 issued a statement urging the U.S. and North Korea to strengthen communication and make continued efforts to hold a summit meeting.

The full text of his statement is as follows:

JCP calls for continued efforts to hold US-North Korea summit

Shii Kazuo
Chair, Japanese Communist Party
Member of the House of Representatives of Japan
May 25, 2018

US President Donald Trump notified North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that he will cancel the summit meeting with Kim slated for June 12. In his letter to Kim, Trump said, “I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,” and “please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit (…) will not take place.” It is extremely regrettable that President Trump abruptly announced the cancellation of the planned summit.

At the same time, Trump expressed his intent to hold a meeting with Kim at another opportunity, saying, “Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you,” and “If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write.”

Pyongyang also stresses the need for a summit, calling Trump’s decision “unexpected” and “very regrettable” and noting that it is still willing to “sit down face-to-face with the US and resolve issues at any time and in any format.”

It is important that both parties continue to show their intent to resolve the issue through dialogue.

Many people around the world hold high expectations for a US-North Korea summit to work for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and the building of a peace structure in Northeast Asia.

The JCP urges the US and North Korea to strengthen communication between the leaders and make continued efforts to realize a summit meeting. We sincerely call for the countries concerned, including Japan, to step up their cooperation to that end.
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