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HOME  > 2018 July 4 - 10
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2018 July 4 - 10 TOP3 [POLITICS]

LDP decides to discuss casino bill instead of support measures for heavy rainfall victims

July 10, 2018
The ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties and the opposition “Ishin no Kai” party on July 9 chose to discuss the casino bill rather than discuss necessary relief measures for the victims of a record-setting torrential rainfall in western Japan that killed more than 100 people.

The controversial bill is under discussion at the House of Councilors Cabinet Committee.

On the day at a committee directors’ meeting, the Japanese Communist Party, Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, Democratic Party for the People, Liberal Party, and Social Democratic Party urged Committee Chair Tsuge Yoshifumi (LDP member) to not call a meeting to discuss the casino bill, pointing out that the Diet should now focus on discussions on ways to relieve rain disaster victims.

The LDP proposed that the committee hold a 6-hour discussion on the casino bill on July 10. In support of the LDP proposal, Komei insisted on pursuing Diet deliberations in order to pass the bill within the extended Diet session scheduled to close in about 10 days. The ruling block’s ally, Ishin no Kai agreed with the LDP.

The committee chair exercised his authority and decided to carry out a committee meeting as proposed by the LDP.

After the directors’ meeting, JCP member of the House of Councilors Tamura Tomoko said to the press, “Land Minister Ishii Keiichi who is in charge of the casino bill is responsible for dealing with the ongoing natural disaster. Given the current situation, it is unacceptable for the minister to use up valuable time to discuss the casino bill.”

Past related articles:
> Extension of Diet session to force through controversial bills on labor reform and casino development is unacceptable [June 21, 2018]
> Casino implementation bill sent to Upper House [June 20, 2018]
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