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HOME  > 2018 September 5 - 11
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2018 September 5 - 11 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Quake-prone Japan uniquely unfit for nuclear power generation

September 8, 2018
About 700 environmentally-conscious citizens on September 7 demonstrated in front of the Prime Minister's Office, claiming that Japan, susceptible to earthquakes, volcanic activities, and typhoons, is uniquely unfit for nuclear power generation.

A major tremor before dawn on September 6 hit Hokkaido, in northern Japan, causing a loss of external power supply at Hokkaido Electric Power Co's Tomari nuclear power plant. HEPCO had to use emergency diesel generators to cool spent nuclear fuel until power recovery. The death toll from the quake is 13 at present with 22 still missing, and about 7,300 residents in temporary shelters. About three million households suffered from the power outage and a million and a half are still without electricity.

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Shiokawa Tetsuya, taking part in the action outside the PM Office, touched upon the natural disasters striking the country in succession this summer. This month alone, Typhoon Jebi killed 11 people, injured more than 400, and damaged more than 1,000 houses. It is still unclear when the major transport hub of Kansai International Airport can resume full flights.

Shiokawa said, "The string of disasters this summer have clarified once again that Japan is not suitable for nuclear energy," calling on participants to promote cooperation between opposition parties and concerned citizens and to establish a Japan without nuclear power plants.

A Tokyo woman in her 60s said, "Each time an earthquake occurs, we worry about a possible nuclear accident. I want a Japan where we no longer have to worry about that."

A man from Fukushima, reporting on the present situation in Fukushima, said, "Many elderly evacuees have died in the temporary shelters since the 2011 nuclear meltdown occurred at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant."

Past related article:
> JCP active in relief efforts in heavy rain-hit western Japan [July 11, 2018]

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