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HOME  > 2018 September 5 - 11
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2018 September 5 - 11 [JCP]

Shii hopes 3rd inter-Korea summit will be successful

September 7, 2018

The South Korean government on September 6 announced that a third inter-Korean summit will take place in Pyongyang in mid-September between ROK President Moon Jae-in and DPRK Leader Kim Jong-un.

After the release of this news, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo published a comment welcoming the upcoming North-South Korea meeting scheduled for September 18-20.

Regarding the third meeting between the two leaders agreed upon by Moon Jae-in's special envoy and the North Korean counterpart, Shii said, "It's good news. I applaud Moon's decision to go to Pyongyang to try to find a breakthrough in the situation."

Shii expressed his hope that President Moon, who has been attaching importance on North-South joint efforts to achieve a 'peaceful settlement' on and 'full denuclearization' of the Korean Peninsula, will succeed in bringing about significant results.

Past related articles:
> Current status of process for peaceful Korean Peninsula [August 15&16, 2018]
> JCP welcomes the historic inter-Korean summit and the Panmunjom Declaration [April 28, 2018]
> North and South Korean leaders’ handshake with smile was joyful event: Japan-Korea friendship association [April 28, 2018]

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