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2010 November 3 - 9 [JCP]

JCP holds theoretical exchange with Communist Party of Vietnam

November 9, 2010
The Japanese Communist Party and the Communist Party of Vietnam opened their third theoretical exchange meetings on November 8 at the JCP head office.

At the beginning of their two-day discussions, JCP Social Sciences Institute Director Fuwa Tetsuzo, who leads the JCP delegation, welcomed the Vietnamese delegation, saying, “Although we are facing different tasks and challenges, I strongly feel that our theoretical exchanges help us to promote our respective activities.”

Vietnamese delegation head To Huy Rua, a Politburo member and chairman of the Communist Party Central Theoretical Council, announced that the CPV will hold its 11th Congress early next year in order to revise its 1991 Program and set forth its development strategies for 2020. The two-parties meeting taking place at this time therefore has a significant meaning to his party, he added.

They had discussions on the theme: socialism in the present world, especially in the beginning of the 21st century.

The meeting was also attended by Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Phu Binh.
- Akahata, November 9, 2010
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