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2018 December 19 - 2019 January 8 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Koike criticizes LDP as being irresponsible in regard to anti-LGBTQ remarks frequently made by LDP Dietmembers

January 8, 2019

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on January 7 at a press conference in the Diet building said that the Liberal Democratic Party should offer apologies to LGBTQ people by seriously reviewing the discriminatory remarks frequently made by the party’s Dietmembers.

Koike made this comment in regard to a news report that LDP lawmaker Hirasawa Katsuei recently remarked that the acceptance of same-sex marriages will make Japan extinct.

Koike cited the fact that another LDP parliamentarian, Sugita Mio, came under fire last year after making the “LGBTQ people are unproductive” remark, and said, “The LDP learned nothing from this case.”

Koike continued to say, “To increase social acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals has nothing to do with the issue of Japan’s falling birthrate. The low birthrate was caused by excessively long working hours, low wages, and other social factors which stemmed from the pro-business LDP policies. Hirasawa’s remark ignores this important point.”

Furthermore, Koike pointed out that the reason why LDP lawmakers repeatedly make discriminatory remarks targeting sexual minority communities is that the party does not feel responsible for their remarks, withdraw them, or offer apologies for their acts. “It is necessary to vote out of office legislators who insist on continuing to disrespect and denigrate diversity. Otherwise, Japan will be turned into a nation without hope for the future,” Koike added.

According to the press, Hirasawa at an LDP gathering held in Yamanashi Prefecture three days earlier touched on the issue of fertility decline in Japan, and said, “If I say anything criticizing same-sex marriages, I’ll face a shower of criticism. So, I can give my OK to LGBTQ people. However, I think, an increase in the number of such people will make it impossible for Japan to maintain its current population.”

The ruling LDP’s veteran member also said that he does not understand why municipalities certifying same-sex couples, such as Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, are warmly praised.

Past related articles:
> Cross-party local LGBT lawmakers urge Sugita to apologize for her ‘unproductive’ remark [August 5, 2018]
> Pro-business gov’t policies worsen declining birthrate problem [June 6, 2018]
> Same-sex couple certification ordinance passed in Shibuya [April 1, 2015]
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