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2018 December 19 - 2019 January 8 [JCP]

JCP delegation in Vietnam

December 19-22, 2018
Shii meets with CPV Politburo member Chinh

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on December 17 in Hanoi met with Communist Party of Vietnam Politburo member Pham Minh Chinh, who is also the Head of the CPV Central Committee Organization Commission. They exchanged views on various themes, including the strengthening of the two parties’ ties.

Chinh said that the two parties have held productive theoretical exchange meetings eight times since 2007 and achieved significant outcomes in each meeting. He expressed his hope to improve the two parties’ cooperation in various fields, such as demanding world peace, strengthen CPV-JCP ties, and contribute to a stronger Vietnam-Japan friendship.

Shii said that since his last visit to Vietnam in 2013, the JCP-CPV solidarity has steadily grown stronger through collaboration in efforts working for a world without nuclear weapons and working for peace in East Asia and the world as well as through theoretical exchanges. Noting that Vietnam has succeeded in reducing poverty under its Doi Moi policy, Shii expressed his hope that Vietnam will make progress in efforts to build a socialism-oriented economy and society.

Referring to Vietnam’s decision to cancel its plan to construct a nuclear power plant by importing nuclear technology from Japan, Shii said that he welcomes the nation’s rational decision.

Shii referred to the situation that Vietnamese working in Japan under the foreign trainee program often suffer from poor working conditions, including low wages, violence, and power harassment. He said that the JCP will work hard to protect the rights of foreign workers.

In response, Chinh said that the CPV will join hands with the JCP to solve problems that may arise in the course of the development of the two countries’ relations and protect workers’ rights.

Before having the talk with Chinh, Shii met with Hoang Binh Quan, Chairman of the Commission for External Relations of the CPV Central Committee, and attended a dinner hosted by Quan.

Shii talks with CPV General Secretary

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on December 18 held talks with Nguyen Phu Trong, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and State President. They agreed to work together to achieve an early entry into force of the UN treaty banning nuclear weapons.

The two also concluded that the two parties will strengthen their cooperation to promote the existing peace process on the Korean Peninsula and resolve South China Sea issues based on international law.

In the talks held at the CPV head office in Hanoi, Shii stressed that it is important for the international society to push forward with a move toward having the UN anti-nuclear treaty come into force without delay, and called for the cooperation of Vietnam which significantly already ratified the treaty. So far, 69 countries became signatories to the UN accord and the treaty was ratified by 19 countries.

Shii then brought up the issue of building peace and stability in East Asia. Shii put emphasis on encouraging the process working for a denuclearized and peaceful Korean Peninsula as well as on establishing a multilateral security framework in Northeast Asia. Shii showed appreciation of the major role played by ASEAN in the mechanism for multilateral cooperation and security among nations in East and Southeast Asia. Introducing the JCP proposal to create a framework of peace in Northeast Asia, Shii expressed his determination to work as a team so that peace efforts made in the two regions would lead to establishing peace and stability across East Asia.

Shii touched on the South China Sea issues and expressed his support for the ASEAN principles including peaceful solution of conflicts in accordance with international rules, such as the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. He also expressed his approval and support for diplomatic efforts to establish a legally-binding and enforceable code of conduct and other measures that seek to settle the matter.

Trong in replay gave his support for the two parties’ joint efforts to accomplish the goals of bringing about an early entry into force of the UN nuclear weapons ban treaty and a peaceful Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons - making the region and the world a more peaceful place. Furthermore, he endorsed the JCP proposal regarding the peace framework.

The heads of the JCP and CPV shared the recognition that the two parties’ ties have been developed through theoretical exchange meetings which took place eight times since 2007 in addition to united efforts at various occasions in the international arena which included the adoption of the UN nuclear ban treaty and meetings of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP). The two leaders confirmed that the two parties will maintain and promote their contacts at a high level; continue and improve their theoretical exchanges; discuss flexibly on issues of the rapidly changing international situation; and work in close cooperation with each other at international conferences held at the UN, the ICAPP, and other venues. Shii and Trong also decided to have the two parties’ relations attain new heights.

Shii touched on the issue of exploitative labor practices under Japan’s foreign trainee and internship program. Using this program, 130,000 Vietnamese are working in Japan.

Shii said that as a political party in Japan, the JCP will work hard to eliminate problems in regard to the foreign trainee program, such as the excessively low wages, workplace violence and harassment, and other harsh working conditions, and protect foreign workers’ rights. In response to Shii’s request for collaboration through information sharing and other measures, Trong was an enthusiast.

Shii gives lecture at Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on December 19 gave a lecture on the 21st century world and on peace in East Asia to an audience of 200 students at the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi.

This institution is a prestigious training ground for future diplomats and leaders of Vietnam.

Shii pointed out that the biggest change in the 20th century was the collapse of colonialism and the right to national self-determination became an internationally-accepted norm. He said, "Vietnamese people's struggles having beaten both French and U.S. imperialism fulfilled an important role in promoting world peace and progress, which stands out in the history of the world," along with the August 1945 Revolution which had brought about Vietnam's independence. He said, "Peace activists and progressives in Japan still have a strong trust and respect for Vietnamese people's heroic struggles for freedom and independence."

The "structural change in the world" of the 20th century now began displaying its vital power in the world today. One of the prominent features is the ongoing global move to establish a "world without nuclear weapons". He pointed out, "Governments worldwide along with civil society replaced a handful of powerful countries and became the 'protagonists' in international politics."

Shii touched upon the "peaceful upheaval" taking place on the Korean Peninsula and stated that most countries are calling for "peaceful resolution through dialogue". He said, "At the base of the peaceful upheaval in the Korean Peninsula lies the emerging 'structural change in the world'."

Shii stated that the JCP has been calling for the launch of a "community of peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia", following the example set by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in its effort to conclude the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in which any kind of dispute that occurs in the region will have to be resolved peacefully.

Shii furthermore regarded the ASEAN as "the most successful regional framework of peace and cooperation in the world" but at the same time pointed out, "There exist difficult issues such as South China Sea disputes. Major powers may increase their involvement and may cause a division within ten ASEAN nations." He expressed his hope that ASEAN will overcome this difficulty and maintain its "independence" and "solidarity" so that it can further develop, and that Vietnam will play a big role in achieving this.

Shii in conclusion stated, "I sincerely hope for both peoples and both parties to strengthen our peaceful solidarity in order to realize a truly peaceful East Asia and a 'world without nuclear weapons'."

Shii-led JCP delegation returns to Japan

The JCP delegation headed by JCP Chair Shii Kazuo on December 21 returned to Japan from its 5-day visit to Vietnam.
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