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2019 March 6 - 12 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

TEPCO plans to use 190 billion yen to reactivate other utility’s nuclear power plant

March 9, 2019

Akahata learned on March 8 that Tokyo Electric Power Company plans to put up 60% (about 190 billion yen) of the cost of reactivating the Tokai Daini nuclear power plant operated by the Japan Atomic Power Company.

TEPCO, the operator of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, was in effect nationalized after the 2011 nuclear meltdowns as the utility received a huge amount of public funds for the purpose of bringing the nuclear disaster under control and compensating Fukushima victims for damages. TEPCO’s plan to play a core role in financial assistance for restarting the Tokai Daini power plant will inevitably face fierce public criticism.

In order to bring the Tokai Daini NPP back on line, safety measures which should meet the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s new safety standards need to be implemented, which would cost about 300 billion yen.

According to Akahata, TEPCO will pay 190 billion yen of the estimated cost with loans from major banks. In addition, four major utilities including Kansai Electric Power Company and Chubu Electric Power Company also intend to provide financial assistance to the Tokai Daini NPP operator.

Ito Tatsuya, the head of Fukushima evacuees in Iwaki City fighting in the Fukushima NPP damage lawsuit, pointed out that the Tokai Daini power plant already reached its operational lifespan of 40 years and was also damaged by the 2011 massive earthquake and tsunamis. Ito angrily said that it is totally irrational for TEPCO to help Japan Atomic Power to resume operations at its aging nuclear power plant and extend the plant’s operational lifetime.

Ito pointed out that the Fukushima NPP operator was financed by the national government on the grounds that the utility needs to pay compensation for damages without delay. Nevertheless, he criticized TEPCO for terminating major compensation programs for Fukushima victims, such as a program enabling Fukushima evacuees to live in temporary housing units without charge and a program paying compensation to businesses for damages.

Ito continued to say, “On top of that, TEPCO refuses mediation proposals made in the Alternative Dispute Resolution process filed by Fukushima victims. TEPCO’s plan to use nearly 200 billion yen for the restart of the Tokai Daini NPP is totally unacceptable.”

Past related articles:
> Aging Tokai Daini nuclear power plant passes safety screening [March 6, 2018]
> NRA okays use of damaged and decrepit Tokai Daini NPP [September 27, 2018]
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