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HOME  > 2019 March 20 - 26
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2019 March 20 - 26 [POLITICS]

150,000 signatures opposing consumption tax hike to 10% submitted to Diet

March 21, 2019
A nationwide network of anti-consumption tax hike groups on March 20 in the Upper House members’ office building held a rally to block the planned consumption tax increase to 10% and handed 150,000 signatures opposing the tax hike plan to the Japanese Communist Party, Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, and Liberal Party.

The network was set up to promote joint struggles on the single issue of preventing the consumption tax rate from being increased to 10% in October.

At the rally, physician Honda Hiroshi, who is one of the network initiators and a member of a civil group working for a better healthcare system, reported that a similar local network has so far been established in 11 prefectures. Another network initiator, Shoji Masato, chair of the Franchisees Association of Japan, said, “If we strengthen our efforts, we can put a stop to the planned tax hike. Let us work hard to achieve this!”

A representative of the Hokkaido network said, “Our united opposition candidate for the April 7 gubernatorial election promises to oppose the tax hike plan. We will work to win the election in order to foil the government attempt to raise the sales tax rate to 10%.”

Parliamentarians from the JCP, CDPJ, and LP delivered speeches in solidarity.

JCP Vice Chair Tamura Tomoko said, “The JCP, in collaboration with other anti-Abe opposition parties, will work hard to increase public opposition to the tax hike in the major elections in April and July.”

Lawmakers of the CDPJ and LP also expressed their determination to work hard to push the government to give up on the 2% sales tax hike plan, saying that to impose a heavier tax burden on the general public during lean economic times is out of line.

Past related articles:
> Consumption tax hike based on manipulation of statistics should be revoked [January 26, 2019]
> Consumption tax hike to 10% will lead to catastrophe in Japanese economy: JCP Koike [October 16, 2018]
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