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HOME  > 2010 October 27 - November 2
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2010 October 27 - November 2 TOP3 [TERRITORIAL ISSUE]

JCP Shii criticizes Medvedev’s visit to Kunashiri

November 2, 2010
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on November 1 published a comment in protest against the visit to Kunashiri Island, one of the Chishima Islands (Kuril) which have been historically Japan territory, by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Earlier on that day, Medvedev visited the island for the first time as the Russian leader. Russia has occupied the Chishima Islands though they were Japan’s legitimate territories.

JCP Chair Shii Kazuo at a news conference criticized Medvedev’s trip to the island for showing intention to perpetuate the Russian occupation of the islands.
- Akahata, November 2, 2010

* The Japanese Communist Party on April 12, 2001 issued the statement entitled “Japan-Russian territorial question and peace treaty” when Japanese Prime Minister Mori Yoshiro and Russian President Vladimir Putin ended their summit meeting by publishing an "Irkutsk Statement" on March 25 2001. You can see the statement from this site: http://www.japan-press.co.jp/2001/2232/414jp-ru.html
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