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HOME  > 2019 May 29 - June 4
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2019 May 29 - June 4 [SDF]

Chiba JCP urges Defense Ministry to cancel plan to deploy SDF Ospreys to Chiba

June 1, 2019
The Japanese Communist Party Chiba Prefectural Committee on May 31 made a representation to the Defense Ministry, demanding the cancellation of a plan to deploy 17 Self-Defense Force V-22 Ospreys to an SDF camp in Chiba. The ministry acknowledged the importance of securing local consent.

The JCP in the representation pointed out that although the ministry maintains that the planned deployment of the Ospreys to the Ground SDF Kisarazu Camp is only temporary, it has not set a time limit. The party stated that it is obvious that the aircraft with vertical take-off and landing capabilities will keep using the camp for an indefinite period of time.

The ministry replied that at this time, it cannot determine the duration of the deployment. It stated that it will not implement the deployment plan without obtaining local consent, and expressed its intent to hold meetings with local assemblies and residents to provide necessary information.

The JCP also noted that among other candidate sites, the ministry is considering using an SDF training field in Chiba for Osprey flight training exercises. The party stressed that the ministry should also seek approval from local communities in choosing a site for Osprey flight exercises.

Past related articles:
> Chiba JCP demands cancellation of plan to overhaul US Ospreys at local SDF camp [October 26, 2016]
> Construction of Osprey maintenance site underway in coastal area of Tokyo Bay [March 16, 2016]
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