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HOME  > 2010 October 13 - 19
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2010 October 13 - 19 [OKINAWA]

Nago City Council wants Japan-US deal on new base revoked

October 16, 2010
The Nago City Assembly on October 15 adopted a resolution by majority vote, calling for the repeal of the Japan-U.S. agreement to move the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station from Ginowan City to Henoko in Nago City.

The resolution argues that the Japanese and the U.S. governments made the agreement “in complete disregard of the wishes of Nago residents and the rest of Okinawans,” and states, “We will not accept such an agreement because it tramples on democracy and insults Okinawans.”

The assembly also unanimously approved another resolution calling for the cancellation of the U.S. plan to deploy MV-22 Ospreys in Okinawa.

In Nago City, anti-base candidate Inamine Susumu had won the city mayoral election in January, promising to resist the Henoko base plan. In September, candidates supportive of the mayor decisively won the city assembly race and they have become a majority force.
- Akahata, October 16, 2010
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