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2020 March 4 - 10 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

column  Nuclear power plant operators learn nothing from 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns

March 7, 2020

Akahata ‘current’ column

Nine years have passed since the nuclear meltdowns occurred at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in 2011. In this anniversary month, the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan published an advertisement in major newspapers to appeal for the need for nuclear power generation. The ad claims that nuclear energy is needed to curb global warming. With this ad, the national federation of major utilities are attempting to present nuclear power as an environment-friendly energy source.

When will the electric power industry face up to the unprecedentedly severe damage caused by the nuclear disaster? The nuclear meltdowns produced radiation contamination in wide areas and ruined many residents’ lives and means of living. Even now, tens of thousands of people have to live away from their hometowns. Along with the risk of an accident, many problems are left unsolved about nuclear power generation, such as safe measures to dispose nuclear waste. How dare the power companies advertise nuclear power generation as “eco-friendly”.

Recently, there was a shocking revelation concerning the Japan Atomic Power Company which operates the Tokai Daini Nuclear Power Plant (Ibaraki Prefecture) and the Tsuruga NPP (Fukui Prefecture). The plant operator was found to have secretly altered geological data in documents to be used in the safety screening of the Tsuruga NPP’s No.2 reactor.

In the safety screening of the No.2 reactor, the nuclear regulator is examining the possibility that a fault running right beneath the reactor could move simultaneously when an active fault nearby jolts. With the data alteration, the operator has undermined the validity of the safety check. The company seems to have learned nothing from the nuclear crisis nine years ago.

Past related articles:
> NRA safety screening should not screen out residents’ safety concerns [November 14, 2019]
> Finding of active fault is highly likely to lead to Tsuruga NPP decommissioning [May 23, 2013]
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