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HOME  > 2020 March 4 - 10
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2020 March 4 - 10 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Shii meets with people who call for legalization of same-sex marriages

March 6, 2020

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo and several JCP lawmakers met with representatives of the "Marriage For All Japan", an association aiming for the realization of same-sex marriages, in the Diet building on March 5.

The association calls for cross-party cooperation to achieve legalization of same-sex marriages. It also calls on each political party to raise this issue in the Diet.

Nishikawa Asami lives with her female partner and a child. She said their everyday life is the same as an ordinary family. "We're both working. We share the household chores and we're busy taking care of the child every day just like an ordinary family. The difference is our family is not legally recognized and thus not eligible for household tax breaks and company benefits."

Nakagawa Shigenori, a lawyer involved in a nationwide legal action seeking the legalization of same-sax marriages, said, "Many of them as children became conscious of their sex orientation and gender identity. Homosexuality is often laughed at on TV programs. In such an environment, they grew up having a negative view of themselves. Because of this, the proportion of those who commit suicide or injure themselves is high. In the light of Article 24 of the Constitution and the principle of equal rights, same-sex marriage is a constitutional human right. We really need your help to accomplish this goal."

Shii said, "Our party totally supports your request and would like to cooperate with you for legal revisions so that same-sex marriages will be legally recognized." He explained that the JCP in its revised Program calls for gender equality as well as for an end to discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI), and that he has pressed the government to amend the Civil Code in order to approve same-sex marriages. Shii said, "Our party has made a commitment to legalizing same-sex marriages as our policy challenge. The Constitution guarantees individual dignity, freedom of marriage, and prohibition of discrimination. Legally recognizing same-sex marriages will finally meet constitutional requirements."

Past related article:
> Shii’s interpellation sheds light on Abe’s reluctance to tackle gender gap issues [January 24, 2020]
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