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2020 June 24 - 30 [POLITICS]

Shii: Intensive discussions over vote-buying scandal should be held with PM Abe in attendance

June 26, 2020

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on June 25 pointed out that regarding the arrest of two sitting Dietmembers for vote buying, an alleged election law violation by Prime Minister Abe has surfaced. He said that PM Abe should respond to the allegation in both Houses’ Budget Committee meetings during the Diet recess.

Shii said that the cash distribution of 150 million yen from the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters to the arrested lawmakers, ex-Justice Minister Kawai Katsuyuki and his wife Anri (both already left the party), has emerged as a core issue in the vote-buying scandal. Shii added that this money was allegedly offered by Prime Minister Abe to the Kawais as funding to buy votes in violation of the Public Offices Election Act.

Explaining the new scandal involving PM Abe, Shii referred to two news reports. One is an Akahata report published on June 24. According to Akahata, 150 million yen was provided by the LDP headquarters to the former minister in installments before and after he met with PM Abe at the Prime Minsiter’s Office last year.

The other report was carried by the Chugoku Shimbun on June 25 in which a female assemblymember of Hiroshima’s Fuchu Town, who used to serve as the head of Anri’s supporters’ organization, gave a testimony about the vote-buying scandal. She testified that in May of last year, Kawai Katsuyuki handed her an envelope containing 300,000 yen in cash referring to a strong push from PM Abe.

Shii said, “PM Abe is accountable to the general public for the provision of 150 million yen to the Kawais by the LDP headquarters as well as for the two news reports. To achieve this, the Budget Committee in both chambers should hold meetings without delay as demanded by opposition parties.”

Past related article:
> 2 sitting Dietmembers arrested for vote buying [June 19, 2020]
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