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2020 July 1 - 7 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Fudanren demands gov’t measures that protect women’s rights during COVID-19 crisis

July 4, 2020
The Federation of Japan Women’s Organizations (Fudanren) on July 3 submitted to the Cabinet Office a written demand calling on the government to implement measures to help alleviate serious impacts on women due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

Explaining its demands, Fudanren Chair Shibata Masako emphasized the need for women’s participation in the decision-making process regarding anti-corona measures. Shibata also pointed out that many women workers are non-regular workers who are normally in low-paid and unstable employment situations. She urged that the government include support for single mothers who are often employed in low-paying jobs in its measures to maintain jobs and compensate workers for their loss of earnings.

In addition, Shibata referred to the fact that female workers make up 70% of the workforce at facilities providing healthcare, nursing-care, and welfare services, and demanded government action to protect these workers during the ongoing crisis.

Other demands in the Fudanren document include the improvement of support for pregnant workers and an increase in the number of places providing free counselling services for victims of domestic abuse.

Representatives of trade unions and various organizations also attended the submission of the written demands.

A representative of the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) said, “Amid the ongoing pandemic, female non-regular workers are used as an adjustment valve and many have thus lost their jobs. The government should respond to this situation without delay.” A representative of the All Japan Teachers and Staff Union (Zenkyo) demanded an increase in the number of teachers by citing the fact that despite a Labor Ministry’s directive calling for special care to protect pregnant workers from infection, teacher shortages make it difficult for pregnant teachers to apply to work from home.

An official of the Cabinet Office department in charge of women empowerment expressed his/her intent to take into account the Fudanren demands.

Past related articles:
> Non-regular workers account for half of coronavirus-caused dismissals [June 4, 2020]
> NPO for domestic violence survivors calls on gov’t to tackle DV and child abuse which are increasing amid corona crisis [April 10 & 11, 2020]
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