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2020 September 2 - 8 TOP3 [POLITICS]

column  LDP sticking to Abe’s policy positions appears to be on sinking ship

September 5, 2020

Akahata ‘current’ column

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo recently announced his intention to step down. Even though a resurgence of his chronic ulcerative colitis led to this decision, it is also true that he may have made this decision because he was put in checkmate with his mismanagement of the COVID-19 situation as well as mismanagement of domestic and foreign matters. However, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party soon made pubic that a new party leader will carry on with PM Abe’s policy line.

Major factions within the LDP, as if to jump on a band wagon, began competing with each other in their support of PM Abe’s political direction while conniving to excuse PM Abe’s abuse of power to further his own interest as revealed in the “Moritomo” and “Kake” scandals and in the “cherry blossom-viewing party” scandal.

Since the PM Abe-led administration was inaugurated seven years and eight months ago, people have experienced many negative affects, such as continuing inflation, the continued decline in wages and cuts in social security services, and the undermining of constitutionalism and democracy. The continuation of this policy line without reflection will only face serious conflicts with the general public.

Now is the time to make the ruling LDP realize that if it steps into PM Abe’s shoes, it will get on a sinking ship, not on a band wagon.

Past related articles:
> In response to PM Abe's resignation, Shii calls for opening extraordinary Diet session [August 29, 2020]
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