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2020 September 30 - October 6 [POLITICS]

Shii interviewed by famous journalist in weekly magazine on gov't change

September 30, 2020
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo was interviewed by journalist Tahara Soichiro for the weekly magazine "Shukan Asahi" released on September 29.

Shii spoke extensively about the current state of collaboration among opposition parties and the future direction shifting from neoliberalism that a new government consisting of the present opposition parties, if formed, will take.

Tahara offered Shii encouragement by saying, "You are the most flexible in thinking among opposition party leaders. I really hope a coalition government with the participation of the JCP will be established."

During the discussion with Shii, Tahara said that it was great to see that the JCP, in electing the new prime minister, voted for Edano Yukio who heads the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, and added, "Your party made it clear its enthusiasm to work together with other opposition parties to create a new government."

Shii said that the JCP decided to join hands with other opposition parties to achieve a regime change in order to abolish the national security-related legislation (aka war laws). However, he added, "No agreement has been reached yet on 'what to do with our party' after a change in government is accomplished."

Regarding a consensus among opposition parties on the formation of a coalition government to be taken part in by the JCP, Tahara said, "I will talk with Edano about it next time I see him."

Shii responded, "I hope the decision will be made. A regime change is our goal in common. So, the next goal should be whether to build a new government together with all the opposition parties. We must take our discussions one step further so that the JCP, the CDPJ, the Democratic Party for the People, the Social Democratic Party, and the Reiwa Shinsengumi party can all together aim at working for a change in government."

Tahara then asked Shii, "What would you do if you successfully take power? I want you to outline a concrete vision."

Shii in response said that the fulfilment of political responsibility to shift away from neoliberal policies and to improve people's livelihoods is a target the opposition parties already share, and that the opposition parties are increasingly coming to agree on problems of the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, including irrational privileges the U.S. is granted. He continued to say, "The coalition government will implement three things: a shift from neoliberalism, the building of a relationship of equal standing with the United States, and the restoration of constitutionalism. To achieve this end, the opposition parties should clearly demonstrate a willingness to 'assume power' in the next general election."

Past related articles:
> JCP calls for unifying opposition candidates in close-run constituencies to challenge ruling-party rivals [September 25, 2020]
> Koike welcomes CDPJ Edano’s remark on JCP-CDPJ cooperation [September 24, 2020]
> JCP votes for CDPJ leader in election of prime minister as gesture to further develop cooperation among opposition parties [September 17, 2020]
> Shii calls on reborn opposition party to work together to envision a new gov't [September 11, 2020]
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