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HOME  > 2020 October 21 - 27
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2020 October 21 - 27 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Shii calls for Diet efforts to push Suga gov’t to participate in UN N-ban treaty

October 27, 2020

The 203rd extraordinary session of the Diet convened on October 26 with a term of 41 days. This is the first opportunity for Diet debate on government policies after the Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide-led government was inaugurated in September. Prior to PM Suga’s policy speech, the Japanese Communist Party held a general meeting with all its Dietmembers. Chair Shii Kazuo expressed his determination to grill the government about Japan’s non-participation in the UN nuclear weapons ban treaty, PM Suga’s refusal to approve six nominees to the Science Council of Japan, and the insufficient government measures to deal with the pandemic situation.

Shii cited that the UN treaty prohibiting nuclear weapons will come into force in January 2021, and pointed out that nuclear weapons will be banned in international legal instruments for the first time. He said that in the extraordinary Diet session, the JCP will demand the Japanese government, as the government of the only A-bombed nation, sign and ratify the treaty.

Regarding the government attempt to control the SCJ, Shii stated that the suppression of academic freedom by the prewar and wartime governments led to the suppression of civil liberties and ultimately to Japan’s war of aggression. He said that PM Suga’s denial of SCJ membership to six scholars constitutes a threat to the rule of law as well as to the core of fundamental human rights guaranteed under the Constitution, namely academic freedom and freedom of thought, expression, and conscience. He said that in order to withdraw PM Suga’s decision, it is necessary to launch a national movement which goes beyond the boundaries of political affiliation.

As an urgent issue amid the pandemic, Shii referred to the need to avoid the risk of a possible spike in infections in Japan which is now showing up in Europe. He called on JCP lawmakers to conduct Diet discussions that will press the government to improve PCR testing capacity and support for medical institutions.

In addition, Shii also stressed the importance of preventing any further exacerbation of the economic and job crisis triggered by the pandemic. He said that in order to achieve this, the JCP will urge the government to employ every possible means, such as the continuation and enhancement of direct support to corona-affected businesses and the lowering of the consumption tax rate to 5%.

In conclusion, Shii cited opposition parties’ joint struggles in the Diet during the Diet recess, and said, “Let us work hard to make the extraordinary session an opportunity to further develop collaboration among opposition parties and pave the way for achieving a change in government in the next general election.”

Past related articles:
> Gov't should fulfill responsibility to deal with corona-caused job losses [October 8, 2020]
> Shii condemns gov't intervention in Science Council as threat to academic freedom [October 2, 2020]
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