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HOME  > 2021 February 10 - 16
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2021 February 10 - 16 [US FORCES]

US fighters fly at low altitudes close to medical helicopter over Tokushima

February 11, 2021
Three Japanese Communist Party assembypersons in Tokushima Prefecture made a representation to the Tokushima prefectural government regarding the issue of U.S. fighter jets passing very close to a medical helicopter with a doctor giving first aid aboard, demanding the cancellation of U.S. flight training exercises.

The video footage obtained by Fujimoto Masafumi, JCP member of Tokushima's Mugi Town Assembly, shows that two U.S. warplanes on February 1 flew at low altitudes close to a prefecture-owned air-ambulance on a flight path above the town center.

In the representation, Fujimoto said, "Many townspeople saw the U.S. military aircraft passing under the helicopter. Low-altitude flights are a problem in themselves, but flying above residential areas should be out of the question."

Tatsuta Yoshiko, Tokushima prefectural assembyperson, said, "Without any prior notice from U.S. forces about their flight training exercises, accidents involving U.S. military aircraft could happen at any moment."

Tokushima Prefectural Assembyperson Yamada Yutaka said, "The Tokushima prefectural government alone cannot resolve this issue. Local governments and municipalities under U.S. flight routes should work together for resolution."

A prefectural government official in response said, "The prefecture was aware of the incident which occurred on February 1 and already requested the Defense Ministry and the Foreign Affairs Ministry on February 5 to do something," revealing that the prefecture has received reported sightings of U.S. fighters 61 days so far in this fiscal year, up 4 days from the previous fiscal year.
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