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2021 February 17 - 23 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

LDP won't give its female lawmakers a voice in LDP executive meetings

February 18, 2021
The Liberal Democratic Party has announced that it will allow five female lawmakers to "observe" the party's board meetings and executive meetings but will not allow them to speak.

On February 16, LDP Secretary-General Nikai Toshihiro held a press conference and said, "It is important for our female legislators to have a closer look at real politics and have a sufficient understanding of what is discussed in the meetings of executives or of the Executive Council. That means, we are going to let them see that."

The LDP apparently aims to put on display a stance of promoting women's participation in its decision-making process after LDP heavyweight Mori Yoshiro, who until very recently was the president of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee, drew controversy over his sexist remark, "Meetings with many women in attendance take up more time." The LDP's decision to not allow women lawmakers to have voting rights or to express opinions at party executive gatherings is the same as saying, "Just stay quiet." Women's opinions will not be heard in the LDP's men-only meetings.

The latest LDP pronouncement has soon drawn much criticism on Twitter such as, "The LDP is saying, 'Obey men in silence'," "The LDP does not understand the root cause of the problem," and "It is anachronistic." Reuters on February 17 reported, "Japan's ruling party invites women to meetings, as long as they don't talk."

Past related articles:
> Shii comments on Tokyo Olympics organizing committee president’s resignation over sexist remarks [February 13, 2021]
> Japan gov't defends sexist head of Tokyo Games [February 6 & 7, 2021]
> Tokyo Games' head Mori looks down on women [February 6, 2021]
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