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2021 March 24 - 30 [POLITICS]

There are no grounds for maintaining 'sympathy budget'-related special agreement with US

March 25, 2021
The House of Councilors on March 24 began discussing if it will approve the amended protocol to extend a special agreement with the United States, the grounds for Japan's "sympathy budget" for the stationing of U.S. military in Japan, for another year. Japanese Communist Party Dietmember Inoue Satoshi demanded the abolishment of the special agreement since it has institutionalized the enormous financial burdens onto Japan way beyond the scope of the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).

Inoue pointed out that Japan under the SOFA is not obligated to shoulder the expenses associated with the U.S. military presence in Japan, and said, "Nevertheless, Japan gave in to the U.S. demand to conclude the special agreement under the pretext of the tight fiscal situation in the United States. Japan has a huge accumulated debt which now stands out among major developed countries. Therefore, there is no reason for Japan to maintain the special agreement any longer."

Inoue moved on to the topic of Britain's announcement to increase the cap of its nuclear warheads, criticizing the U.K. for violating Article 6 of the NPT which mandates the state parties to work for nuclear disarmament. He demanded that Japan urge the U.K. government to retract the decision.

Foreign Affairs Minister Motegi Toshimitsu just introduced Britain's explanation: it will raise the cap to ensure credible nuclear deterrence. Motegi defended Britain by saying, "The country is committed to full implementation of the NPT and takes responsibility as a nuclear-weapon state," thus showing no intent to urge the U.K. to withdraw its decision.

Regarding China's Coast Guard Law, Inoue pointed out that the law covers vast water areas around China and even allows the use of arms when needed. He said, "Japan should point out that this is a clear violation of international law and should demand that China abrogate the law."

past related articles:
> Genuikyo protests UK gov’t decision to increase cap of its nuclear warheads [March 21, 2021]
> JCP Hatano demands termination of Japan-US special agreement regarding 'sympathy budget' March 13, 2021]
> Japan should refrain from actions that increase tension following passage of China’s Coast Guard Law [March 3, 2021]
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