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2021 April 14 - 20 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

JCP Koike: Japanese media should not avoid arguing pros/cons of holding Summer Games amid pandemic

April 14, 2021

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on April 13,
before senior editors and reporters, expressed his hope that mass media will argue the pros and cons of holding the Tokyo Summer Games during the pandemic.

Invited to their meeting as a guest, Koike answered questions about political issues such as the government handling of the pandemic, opposition parties’ joint struggles, and China’s hegemonic activities.

Koike criticized the Suga government’s approach to the pandemic for lacking a sense of crisis. He explained the JCP’s repeated demands for mass testing, compensation for medical institutions’ loss of income, adequate financial support for struggling individuals and businesses, and the cancellation of the Summer Games. Koike said, “I hope news media will openly discuss whether the holding of the Games amid the pandemic is appropriate.”

In response to a question about collaboration among opposition parties, Koike said that the JCP will make the utmost effort to realize a coalition government of opposition parties by keeping in mind the fundamental goals of opposition parties’ collaboration, i.e. the abolition of the national security-related legislation and the restoration of constitutionalism. Koike stressed that in order to develop opposition parties’ collaboration, the important thing is to take a position of respecting differences and working as a team. He said that the JCP will work hard to achieve the victory of united opposition candidates in three national elections on April 25 and realize a change of government in the coming general election.

Asked about the issue of China’s hegemonic activities, Koike said, “Chinese ships’ intrusion into Japan’s territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa should be dealt with by enhancing the Japan Coast Guard’s capabilities. At the same time, it is necessary to make diplomatic efforts to apply international pressure on China.” Koike criticized the Japanese government for failing to condemn China’s intrusion based on international law. He said that what Japan should do is to carry out thoroughgoing efforts in the international political arena to prevent an occurrence of an accidental military conflict and work to create a regional community of peace in Northeast Asia.

Past related article:
> JCP Kurabayashi: Gov’t should boost pace and scale of COVID-19 testing to stop 4th wave of infections [April 6, 2021]
> Shii protests against Chinese ships' intrusions into Japan's waters [November 6, 2020]
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