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2021 April 21 - 27 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Joint opposition candidates beat LDP in 3 national elections

April 26, 2021

In national elections held on April 25 in Hokkaido, Nagano, and Hiroshima, joint candidates backed by concerned citizens and opposition parties united, including the Japanese Communist Party were elected.

The three elections are: the House of Representatives by-election for the No.2 single-seat district in Hokkaido, the House of Councilors by-election in the Nagano constituency, and the House of Councilors do-over election in the Hiroshima constituency.

In these three prefectures, the opposition forces and concerned citizens concluded a policy agreement centering on the abolition of the national security-related legislation and the restoration of constitutionalism, and jointly made all-out efforts to achieve victory in the elections. The JCP, as a member of the opposition camp, worked hard for the victory of the joint opposition candidates.

Following the election results, JCP Secretariat Head Koike Akira on election night held a press conference and said, “Joint struggles between opposition parties and a wide range of people helped to produce these significant achievements.”

Koike pointed out that the united opposition candidates’ victories represent people’s anger over the Suga government doing nothing to protect people’s lives and livelihoods during the pandemic and over the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s money-driven policies. Koike added that based on the results of the three elections, the JCP will work even harder for the victory of opposition parties/citizens joint struggles and for a major JCP advance in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election slated for July 7 and in the upcoming general election.

Past related article:
> Civil Alliance makes representations to JCP to take part in joint efforts to achieve victory in coming 3 national elections [April 7, 2021]
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