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2021 September 15 - 21 TOP3 [POLITICS]

editorial  All 4 LDP presidential candidates have no intent to shift away from Abe/Suga policies

September 18, 2021

Akahata editorial (excerpts)

The Liberal Democratic Party presidential race started on September 17 with Noda Seiko (LDP Executive Acting Secretary-General) announcing her candidacy along with three other candidates: Kono Taro (State Minister for Regulatory Reform), Kishida Fumio (former LDP policy chief), and Takaichi Sanae (former Internal Affairs Minister).

The four candidates, who are vying to succeed Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide, held key positions both in the government and with the LDP under the 9-year-long Abe/Suga regime. The four have no intent to shift away from the Abe/Suga policies.

All four candidates support nuclear power generation, promote Japan's military buildup, and are like-minded in calling for constitutional revision.

An Asahi Shimbun opinion poll on September 14 shows that nearly 60% of respondents have the expectation that the next Prime Minister will not continue with the Abe/Suga policies.

While refusing to hold an extraordinary Diet session to discuss coronavirus countermeasures, the LDP is focusing its attention on its presidential election. Japan really needs a change of government as demanded by a wide range of citizens and opposition parties.

Past related article:
> All 3 candidates for LDP president show no difference from Abe and Suga policies [September 14, 2021]
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